Celebrating Veteran's Day @ West 11/11

In remembrance of Veterans Day, West Elementary School hosted a special webinar on November 11th that was shared with the the entire West School community. Students, faculty members and families alike all  joined to learn more about this distinguished holiday and to understand how they helped make our world a better place. 

Joining the webinar were speakers Michael S. Lee, a West Point graduate from the Class of 2003, who served in the US Army and was in Active Duty from 2003-2011 (8 years), John W. Ferrara, Northwestern University, Class of 2000, who served in the U.S. Navy Active Duty from 2000-2009 and Colin Keenan, former Marine in attendance. 

Students also shared their own short videos of family members who served in the armed forces and the special contributions each of them has made. 

A special thank you to service members and West School parents Colin Keenan, John W. Ferrara and Michael S. Lee for sharing their experiences with us.