Teachers assemble birthday bags at West

This month, West Elementary school partnered with the New Canaan Food Pantry to raise awareness for local food donations with the creation of celebratory “birthday bags”.. These “birthday bags” are designed for families in need and help add festivity to a special day that may not be otherwise possible.  

Each grade level is responsible for contributing a particular item to the donation bags, such as  cake mix, frosting, candles, paper plates and napkins. 

During each food pantry distribution event, these birthday bags are made available to those selecting food. Shoppers have the opportunity to choose a bag if they have a child or family member celebrating a birthday. This year, the bags were put together by West School teachers and parent volunteers, and consist of donated items from families at West School. The impact of these donation events is large: “We currently have about 175 individuals receiving food each month and about 100 of them are children,” said Bethany Zaro, the Director of Human Services in New Canaan. 

The New Canaan community has strength in numbers and collaborations to make a difference to those in need of food. “It’s wonderful for residents of all ages to understand that not every family in New Canaan is able to afford some very basic things such as birthday candles,” said Ms. Zaro. For young children at West School, learning about giving back and helping the community is emphasized through this event. “Giving does not have to be huge….it just has to come from the heart. This Birthday Bag project does just that!”