Colonial Day 2023

On Friday, May 5th, members of the 5th Connecticut Regiment visited our Saxe Middle School fifth-grade students for the school’s annual Colonial Day. 

Colonial Day, a long-standing event admired by students and faculty alike, is an opportunity for students to learn more about life in Connecticut during the 18th century. Following the curriculum of fifth-grade social studies, students participated in a variety of activities that focused on colonial medicine, weapons, spinning, music, fashion, and influential people. Students were also educated on how the American Revolution impacted the lives of various types of people by learning about the perspectives of soldiers, patriots, loyalists, men, and women. 

At the end of the event, the fifth-graders were brought outside to watch the re-enactors debate on whether to join George Washington’s army headed to defend New York City in 1776, to learn about marching in formation, and to witness the firing of muskets.

The 5th Connecticut Regiment was established in the 1970s and is composed of various f members from  Connecticut who all share a common love for and knowledge of history, specifically the American Revolution and the 18th century. The equipment and clothing that the members utilize are heavily researched and are exact replicas of those from the 18th century in terms of design, materials, function, and in many cases, method of production.

We are so grateful to the members of the 5th Connecticut Regiment for making history come to life for our fifth-grade students! To learn more about their organization, please visit