Professional Learning

The Professional Learning Team believes that effective professional growth has a positive impact on student learning. Our goal is to create and implement a unified vision for the district. At the same time, we differentiate to meet the needs of each building, department, and staff member. Professional growth can take a variety of forms, including the traditional workshop, but more often includes growth-promoting opportunities like study groups, action research, and peer coaching. Engaging teachers in such activities prepares them to empower students to reach their full potential.

Professional Learning Resources at the District

Each teacher has a Destiny Library account and can search the NCPS Professional Learning Collection with Destiny. 

To log into your Destiny Account at your school, click on ‘Log in” in the right corner and type in your school username and password.  In the catalog view, be sure to ‘Narrow your search to…’  New Canaan Public Schools in the drop down box in order to see the professional titles across the district and specifically at your school. Vary your search items by titles or type ‘professional development’ into the search box for a complete list of items. 

Professional, Educational Databases

To access professional, educational databases Connecticut’s State library provides online resources through Research IT CT. Professional learning material can be accessed in school through databases like: Teacher Reference Center, Professional Development CollectionERIC, Explora Educator’s Edition, and Academic Search Premier.