Parent Resources

PowerSchool Information

One of our most powerful and insightful communication tools is the Parent Portal from PowerSchool.  From the Portal, you can obtain a variety of useful information and insights about your children’s progress in all classes.  From attendance reports and performance criteria to the explanation of assignments and insights about specific grades, the Portal should be the first stop when you have questions about how your children are doing in school.  While Google Classroom is effective for distributing and collecting assignments and resources, the Parent Portal contains the most up-to-date information on completed or missing assignments, in-class participation, and overall performance.  

To log-on to PowerSchool, please go to your school's website and look for the "Quick Links" bar on the main page. From there, you can click on the  "PowerSchool" button, which is the first block on the left.

access powerschool from homepage

When you click on PowerSchool, it will ask you how you would like to sign in.  Please choose "Parent/Student".  It will then bring you to the portal where you will need to enter your username and password.  You created username and password when entered your data verification information for the district.  If for some reason you have forgotten it, please contact Lisa Jarosik.  She can email your username but can only reset your password.  

There is also an app for PowerSchool that you can download for your phone.  You will need to enter the school code DSLK when prompted.  Please note that the app will not be able to show a Grade 5 report card as they are too large.  You will need to view it on a laptop or desktop.

PowerSchool Basics

Accessing Grades in PowerSchool

Grade 5 Report Card Access