World Language Belief Statement & Vision

The New Canaan Public School’s K-12 World Language Department believes  a rigorous and well articulated K-12 World Language program:

  • helps to develop critical thinking skills and reinforces student knowledge of other disciplines while strengthening literacy across the curriculum

  • supports the proficiency of multiple languages

  • focuses on real-life applications of authentic language as an effective way of promoting proficiency in a language

  • promotes the use of proficiency based assessments (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and cultural components that measure the students’ ability to perform authentic tasks

  • includes the integration of technology to allow students to access, apply and analyze information and to communicate more effectively

  • includes the study of culture as an important component of world language instruction, providing multiple ways of viewing the world

  • encourages students to develop a greater understanding of their own language while strengthening  their cognitive and linguistic skills

  • understands that the acquisition of a language is a process and that students acquire proficiency at different rates.

Our Vision

The New Canaan Public Schools K-12 World Language Department nurtures and supports life-long learning in our students and for ourselves. Our staff is professional, passionate, innovative and creative. We believe that to be a successful department we must be respectful of other’s opinions, collaborative, flexible and accountable to each other and our students.